The latest issue of the
Journal of International Organizations Studies (Vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Micropolitics Meets Geopolitics:
Internal Dynamics and Dysfunctions of International Organizations
Julian Junk & Frederik Trettin, Internal Dynamics and Dysfunctions of International Organizations—An Introduction to the Special Issue
Frederik Trettin & Julian Junk, Spoilers from Within: Bureaucratic Spoiling in United Nations Peace Operations
Elisabeth Schöndorf, How to Deal with Spoilers: Dissent-Shirking, Obstruction, and Coping Strategies with the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor
Dennis Dijkzeul & Claude Iguma Wakenge, Proselytizing as Spoiling from Within? Comparing Proselytizing by UN Peacekeepers in the Sudan and the DR Congo
Sebastian Schindler, The Morality of Bureaucratic Politics: Allegations of “Spoiling” in a UN Inter-Agency War
Joel Gwyn Winckler, Protectionism within the Organization of United Nations Peacekeeping: Assessing the Disconnection between Headquarters and Mission Perspectives
John Karlsrud, Multiple Actors and Centers of Agency? Examining the UN as a Competitive Arena for Norm Change