The latest issue of
Arbitration International (Vol. 30, no. 1, 2014) is out. Contents include:
Brooks E. Allen & Tommaso Soave, Jurisdictional Overlap in WTO Dispute Settlement and Investment Arbitration
Carlo de Stefano, Arbitration Agreements as Waivers to Sovereign Immunity
Gyooho Lee, Keon-Hyung Ahn, & Jacques de Werra, Euro-Korean Perspectives on the Use of Arbitration and ADR Mechanisms for Solving Intellectual Property Disputes
Lucas Bastin, Amici Curiae in Investor-State Arbitration – Eight Recent Trends
Philippe Cavalieros, In-House Counsel Costs and Other Internal Party Costs in International Commercial Arbitration
Amir Ghaffari & Emmylou Walters, The Emergency Arbitrator – The Dawn of a New Age?
Louise Hauberg Wilhelmsen, The Recast Brussels I Regulation and Arbitration – Revisited Or Revised?