The latest issue of the
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Vol. 58, no. 1, February 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Adam S. Harris & Michael G. Findley,
Is Ethnicity Identifiable?: Lessons from an Experiment in South Africa
Courtenay R. Conrad,
Divergent Incentives for Dictators: Domestic Institutions and (International Promises Not to) Torture
Iris Lavi, Daphna Canetti, Keren Sharvit, Daniel Bar-Tal, & Stevan E. Hobfoll,
Protected by Ethos in a Protracted Conflict? A Comparative Study among Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem
Sam Whitt,
Social Norms in the Aftermath of Ethnic Violence: Ethnicity and Fairness in Non-costly Decision Making
Christina J. Schneider & Johannes Urpelainen,
Partisan Heterogeneity and International Cooperation: The Case of the European Development Fund
Emily Hencken Ritter,
Policy Disputes, Political Survival, and the Onset and Severity of State Repression
Jonathan M. Powell,
Regime Vulnerability and the Diversionary Threat of Force