The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 47, no. 6, December 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Christoph J. Schewe, Russia in the WTO: The Bear on a Leash? Russia in International Trade Disputes and the Added Value of a WTO Membership
- Haroldo Ramanzini Júnior & Marcelo Passini Mariano, Brazil and the G-20: Domestic Pressures and the Construction of the Negotiating Position in the Doha Round of the WTO
- Hemali Shah & Aashish Srivastava, Authentication and Recognition Issues in Cross-Border Single Window
Piotr Szwedo, Water Footprint and the Law of WTO
- Manisha Sinha, An Evaluation of the WTO Committee on Trade and Environment
James Munro, Pushing the Boundaries of ‘Products’ and ‘Goods’ under GATT 1994: An Analysis of the Coverage of New and Unorthodox Articles of Commerce
- Manjiao Chi,
Trade-Plus Effects of WTO Dispute Settlement on China: An Ideal or Illusion?