The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Relations (Vol. 19, no. 1, March 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Maja Bovcon,
Françafrique and regime theory
Andrew Davenport,
Marxism in IR: Condemned to a Realist fate?
Jack Holland,
Foreign policy and political possibility
Chris Methmann,
The sky is the limit: Global warming as global governmentality
Mark Neocleous,
‘O Effeminacy! Effeminacy!’ War, masculinity and the myth of liberal peace
Colin McInnes & Simon Rushton,
HIV/AIDS and securitization theory
Patricia Owens,
From Bismarck to Petraeus: The question of the social and the Social Question in counterinsurgency
Katharina P. Coleman,
Locating norm diplomacy: Venue change in international norm negotiations