The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Law (Vol. 23, no. 4, November 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
Slouching towards the Cool War; Catalonian Independence and the European Union; Roll of Honour; In this Issue; A Personal Statement
- Jens David Ohlin, Nash Equilibrium and International Law
Mark Neocleous, International Law as Primitive Accumulation; Or, the Secret of Systematic Colonization
Critical Review of International Governance
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes & Edouard Fromageau, Balancing the Scales: The World Bank Sanctions Process and Access to Remedies
Arman Sarvarian, Common Ethical Standards for Counsel before the European Court of Justice and European Court of Human Rights
Critical Review of International Jurisprudence
Julianne Kokott & Christoph Sobotta, The Kadi Case: Constitutional Core Values and International Law – Finding the Balance?
Roaming Charges: Places of Kitsch: Orlando California
Realizing Utopia: Reflections on Antonio Cassese’s Vision of International Law
JHHW, Antonio Cassese: Head in the Clouds, Feet on the Ground
Marko Milanovic, On Realistic Utopias and Other Oxymorons: An Essay on Antonio Cassese’s Last Book
Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Enhancing the Rhetoric of Jus Cogens
Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Back to the Future of a Multilateral Dimension of the Law of State Responsibility for Breaches of ‘Obligations Owed to the International Community as a Whole’
Iain Scobbie, ‘All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up’: Some Critical Reflections on Professor Cassese’s ‘The International Court of Justice: It is High Time to Restyle the Respected Old Lady’
Philip Alston & Colin Gillespie, Global Human Rights Monitoring, New Technologies, and the Politics of Information
Francesco Francioni, From Utopia to Disenchantment: The Ill Fate of ‘Moderate Monism’ in the ICJ Judgment on The Jurisdictional Immunities of the State
Orna Ben-Naftali, Sentiment, Sense and Sensibility in the Genesis of Utopian Traditions
Isabel Feichtner, Realizing Utopia through the Practice of International Law
B. S. Chimni, The Self, Modern Civilization, and International Law: Learning from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule