The latest issue of the
International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Vol. 61, no. 3, July 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Merris Amos, The Dialogue Between United Kingdom Courts and the European Court of Human Rights
Arwel Davies, State Liability for Judicial Decisions in European Union and International Law
Myriam Hunter-Henin, Why the French Don't Like the Burqa: Laïcité, National Identity and Religious Freedom
Jarrod Hepburn, The Duty to Give Reasons for Administrative Decisions in International Law
Beke Zwingmann, The Continuing Myth of Euro-Scepticism? The German Federal Constitutional Court Two Years After Lisbon
- Shorter Articles
- Peter Rowe, Is There a Right to Detain Civilians by Foreign Armed Forces During a Non-International Armed Conflict?