The latest issue of the
American Journal of International Law (Vol. 106, no. 3, July 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Robert D. Sloane, On the Use and Abuse of Necessity in the Law of State Responsibility
- Agora: Kiobel
- Attorney General Bradford’s Opinion and the Alien Tort Statute Curtis A. Bradley
- Carlos M. Vázquez,
Alien Tort Claims and the Status of Customary International Law
- Brian Richardson,
The Use of Vattel in the American Law of Nations
- Editorial Comment
- Steve Charnovitz, Correcting America’s Continuing Failure to Comply with the Avena Judgment
- Notes and Comments
- Stephen M. Schwebel, The Nicaragua Case: A Response to Paul Reichler
- Paul S. Reichler,
Paul Reichler’s Rejoinder
- Current Developments
- Jacob Katz Cogan, The 2011 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice