The latest volume of the
Yearbook of Private International Law (Vol. 13, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Doctrine
- Stefania Bariatti,
Multiple Nationalities and EU Private International Law –
Many Questions and Some Tentative Answers
George A. Bermann,
Parallel Litigation: Is Convergence Possible?
Patrick Kinsch,
Private International Law Topics Before the
European Court of Human Rights –
Selected Judgments and Decisions (2010-2011)
Jonathan Hill,
The Powers of the English Court to Support an Arbitration in
“Foreign Seat” and “No Seat” Cases
Christa Roodt,
Border Skirmishes between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals in the EU:
Finality in Conflicts of Competence
Koji Takahashi,
Conflict of Laws in Emissions Trading
Thomas Kadner Graziano,
The CISG Before the Courts of Non-Contracting States?
Take Foreign Sales Law as You Find It
- European Family Private International Law
- Cristina González Beilfuss,
The Proposal for a Council Regulation on the
Property Consequences of Registered Partnerships
Ilaria Viarengo,
The EU Proposal on Matrimonial Property Regimes –
Some General Remarks
Andrea Bonomi,
The Interaction among the Future EU Instruments on Matrimonial
Property, Registered Partnerships and Successions
Beatriz Campuzano Díaz,
The Coordination of the EU Regulations on Divorce and Legal Separation
with the Proposal on Matrimonial Property Regimes
Simone Marinai,
Matrimonial Matters and the Harmonization of Conflict of Laws:
A Way to Reduce the Role of Public Policy as a Ground for
Non-Recognition of Judgments