The latest issue of the
World Trade Review (Vol. 11, no. 3, July 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium Issue: Standards and Non-Tariff Barriers in Trade
- Thomas Heckelei & Johan Swinnen,
Introduction to the Special Issue of the World Trade Review on ‘standards and non-tariff barriers in trade’
- John Beghin, Anne-Célia Disdier, Stéphan Marette, & Frank van Tongeren,
Welfare costs and benefits of non-tariff measures in trade: a conceptual framework and application
- Ian Sheldon,
North–South trade and standards: what can general equilibrium analysis tell us?
- Johan Swinnen & Thijs Vandemoortele,
Trade and the political economy of standards
- Natalie Chen & Dennis Novy,
On the measurement of trade costs: direct vs. indirect approaches to quantifying standards and technical regulations
- Mauro Vigani, Valentina Raimondi, & Alessandro Olper,
International trade and endogenous standards: the case of GMO regulations
- Marie-Agnès Jouanjean,
Standards, reputation, and trade: evidence from US horticultural import refusals
- Roy Santana & Lee Ann Jackson,
Identifying non-tariff barriers: evolution of multilateral instruments and evidence from the disputes (1948−2011)
- Jan Wouters & Dylan Geraets,
Private food standards and the World Trade Organization: some legal considerations
- Melise Jaud & Olivier Cadot,
A second look at the pesticides initiative program: evidence from Senegal
- Asel Mangelsdorf, Alberto Portugal-Perez, & John S. Wilson,
Food standards and exports: evidence for China
- Edwin Vermulst & Brian Gatta,
Concurrent trade defense investigations in the EU, the EU's new anti-subsidy practice against China, and the future of both