The latest issue of
International Negotiation (Vol. 17, no. 1, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Improving the Effectiveness of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- Cecilia Albin, Improving the Effectiveness of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: A Synopsis
- Larry Crump & Daniel Druckman, Turning Points in Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Intellectual Property
- Cecilia Albin & Ariel Young, Setting the Table for Success – or Failure? Agenda Management in the WTO
- Anders Ahnlid, A Practitioner’s Perspective on the 2008 WTO Ministerial Meeting
- Gunnar Sjöstedt, NGOs in WTO Talks: Patterns of Performance and What They Mean
- Jannie Lilja, Domestic-Level Factors and Negotiation (In)Flexibility in the WTO
- Maria F. Agius, Strategies and Success in Litigation and Negotiation in the WTO
- Lena Lindberg & Claes G. Alvstam, The Ambiguous Role of the WTO in Times of Stalled Multilateral Negotiations and Proliferating FTAs in East Asia
- Erik Andersson, Who Needs Effective Doha Negotiations, and Why?