- Articles
- Christopher K. Penny, Obeying Restraints: Applying the Plea of Superior Orders to Military Defendants before the International Criminal Court
- Robin F. Holman, The Rogue Civil Airliner and International Human Rights Law: An Argument for a Proportionality of Effects Analysis within the Right to Life
- Charles Riziki Majinge, Regional Arrangements and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security: The Role of the African Union Peace and Security Council
- Géraud de Lassus Saint-Geniès, Les piliers économique et environnemental du développement durable: conciliation ou soutien mutuel? L’éclairage apporté par la Cour internationale de Justice dans l’Affaire des Usines de pâte à papier sur le fleuve Uruguay (Argentine c Uruguay)
- Notes and Comments
- Drew Tyler, Does the Charter Float? The Application of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Canada’s Policing of High Seas Fisheries
- Daniel H. Meester, The International Court of Justice’s Kosovo Case: Assessing the Current State of International Legal Opinion on Remedial Secession
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
New Volume: Canadian Yearbook of International Law
The latest volume of the Canadian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 48, 2010) is out. Contents include: