The latest issue of
Transnational Legal Theory (Vol. 2, no. 2, July 2011) is out. This is a special issue on "Conflicts Law as Constitutional Form in the Postnational Constellation." Contents include:
- Christian Joerges, Poul F. Kjaer, & Tommi Ralli, A New Type of Conflicts Law as Constitutional Form in the Postnational Constellation
- Agustín José Menéndez, United They Diverge? From Conflicts of Law to Constitutional Theory
- Florian Rödl, Democratic Juridification Without Statisation: Law of Conflict of Laws Instead of a World State
- Marc Amstutz, The Opium of Democracy: A Comment on Florian Rödl's Theory of Democratic Juridification without Statisation
- Poul F. Kjaer, The Political Foundations of Conflicts Law
- Martin Herberg, Global Governance and Conflict of Laws from a Foucauldian Perspective: The Power/Knowledge Nexus Revisited
- Michelle Everson, The Limits of the 'Conflicts Approach': Law in Times of Political Turmoil