The latest volume of the
Yearbook of Polar Law (Vol. 3, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Jakob Th. Möller, Case Law of the UN Human Rights Committee relevant to Members of Minorities and Peoples in the Arctic Region
- Nigel Bankes, The Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to Territory through the Property Rights Provisions of International Regional Human Rights Instruments
- Boštjan M. Zupančič, Causation in Cases of Environmental Degradation: The Missing Link in Adjudicating Human Rights
- Kamrul Hossain, The Realization of the Right to Environment and the Right to Development in respect to the Arctic Indigenous Peoples
- Lee Swepston, Good Governance and Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
- Timo Koivurova, The Status and Role of Indigenous Peoples in Arctic International Governance
- Leena Heinämäki, Towards an Equal Partnership between Indigenous Peoples and States: Learning from Arctic Experiences?
- Antje Neumann, Indigenous Peoples’ Participation in the context of Area Protection and Management: International Approaches versus Regional Approaches in the Arctic
- Adam Stepien, The Influence of Sámi and Inuit on the Danish and Norwegian Development Cooperation with the Indigenous Peoples in the Global South: Actors and Norms
- Jean-Francois Arteau, Creation of Autonomous Government in Nunavik
- Tanja Joona & Juha Joona, The Historical Basis of Saami Land Rights in Finland and the Application of ILO Convention No. 169
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Practical Implementation of Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights: A Case Study of the Russian Federation (Comparison with Certain Developments in Africa in Relation to Indigenous Peoples)
- Øyvind Ravna, The Process of Identifying Land Rights in parts of Northern Norway: Does the Finnmark Act Prescribe an Adequate Procedure within the National Law?
- Rachael Lorna Johnstone & Aðalheiður Ámundadóttir, Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Iceland’s Financial Crisis
- Níels Einarsson, Fisheries Governance and Social Discourse in Post-Crisis Iceland: Responses to the UN Human Rights Committee’s views in Case 1306/2004
- Alyson JK Bailes, Human Rights and Security: Wider Applications in a Warmer Arctic?
- Emily Hildreth, Holes in the Ice: Why a Comprehensive Treaty Will Not Succeed in the Arctic and How to Implement an Alternative Approach
- Piotr Graczyk, Observers in the Arctic Council – Evolution and Prospects
- Kees Bastmeijer, Intergenerational Equity and the Antarctic Treaty System: Continued Efforts to Prevent “Mastery”
- Sebastien Duyck, Drawing Lessons for Arctic Governance from the Antarctic Treaty System