The thesis of this chapter is that, despite all the governance changes that the IFIs have undergone, they still do not have adequate governance arrangements and will need to undergo further reform if they are to perform their mandates effectively. In order to establish this thesis, this chapter is divided into four parts. First, it describes the reforms the IFIs have agreed to and have implemented. Second, it sets out some benchmarks against which these governance reforms can be measured. Third, it assesses the adequacy of the reforms undertaken based on the benchmarks identified in the second section. The final section is a conclusion.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Bradlow: The Reform of the Governance of the IFIs: A Critical Assessment
Daniel Bradlow (American Univ. - Law) has posted The Reform of the Governance of the IFIs: A Critical Assessment (in World Bank Legal Review: International Financial Institutions and Global Legal Governance, Vol. 3, Cisse, Bradlow, & Kingsbury eds., 2011). Here's the abstract: