The latest volume of the
Finnish Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 20, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- General Section
- Martti Koskenniemi, Anniversary Article, FYBIL 20 Years On: The Case for Comparative International Law
- Viljam Engström, International Organizations, Constitutionalism and Reform
- Pekka Niemelä, The Day in the Life of Responsibility to Protect
- Magdalena Kmak, Limits of Sovereignty? – Rethinking the Conflict between Human Rights and Immigration in the European Union
- Stiina Löytömäki, The Question of Collective Responsibility of France for Crimes Committed under Vichy
- Dimitris Efthymiou, Climate Change, Human Rights and Distributive Justice
- Phoebe Okowa, State and Individual Responsibility in International Conflicts: Contours of an Evolving Relationship
- Ragnar Nordeide, Fragmentation and the Leeway of the VCLT: Interpreting the ECHR in Light of Other International Law
- Special Section: Changing Futures? Science and International Law
- Jan Klabbers, Introduction to Special Theme: Changing Futures? Science and International Law
- Allan Rosas, The Death of International Law?
- Anna Riddel, Scientific Evidence in the International Court of Justice – Problems and Possibilities
- Céline Lévesque, Science in the Hands of International Investment Tribunals: A Case for ‘Scientific due Process’
- Maria Weimer, Policy Choice versus Science in Regulating Animal Cloning under the WTO Law
- Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, A.S. v. Hungary: A Case-Study in Adjucating Reproductive Health Claims and the Challenges posed by Interpreting Existent Human Rights Treaties
- Lisa Clarke, Global Health Public-Private Partnerships: Better Protecting Against Disease but Creating a Gap in Responsibility under International Law
- Sophie Gambardella, The Role of Scientific Committees Within Regional Fishing Commissions
- Caroline E. Foster, The Consultation of Independent Experts by International Courts and Tribunals in Health and Environment Cases