The latest issue of the
Journal of Private International Law (Vol. 6, no. 3, December 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Andrew Dickinson, Provisional Measures in the "Brussels I" Review: Disturbing the Status Quo?
- Jonas Steinle & Evan Vasiliades, The Enforcement of Jurisdiction Agreements Under the Brussels I Regulation: Reconsidering the Principle of Party Autonomy
- Justin Borg-Barthet, A New Approach to the Governing Law of Companies in the Eu: A Legislative Proposal
- Abdel-Moneem Zamzam, Bankruptcy Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign Bankruptcy Judgments in Egypt
- Christopher Forsyth, Certainty Versus Uniformity: Renvoi in the Context of Movable Property
- Lara Walker, The Impact of the Hague Abduction Convention on the Rights of the Family In the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee: The Danger of Neulinger