The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 13, no. 3, September 2010) is out. This is a special issue on "The Quest for International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs." Contents include:
- Chapter I Introduction and Purpose
- John H. Jackson, Introductory Note to the Special Issue
- Thomas Cottier & Rosa M. Lastra, Introduction to the Special Issue
- Chapter II The Crisis of 2007-2009: Nature, Causes and Reactions
- Rosa M. Lastra & Geoffrey Wood, The Crisis of 2007–09: Nature, Causes, and Reactions
- Chapter III Architecture and Conceptual Issues
- R. Michael Gadbaw, Systemic Regulation of Global Trade and Finance: A Tale of Two Systems
- Andreas F. Lowenfeld, The International Monetary System: A Look Back Over Seven Decades
- Luis Garicano & Rosa M. Lastra, Towards a New Architecture for Financial Stability: Seven Principles
- Chris Brummer, Why Soft Law Dominates International Finance—and not Trade
- Joseph J. Norton, The ‘Santiago Principles’ for Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Case Study on International Financial Standard-Setting Processes
- Chapter IV Financial Market Regulation
- Christian Tietje and Matthias Lehmann, The Role and Prospects of International Law in Financial Regulation and Supervision
- Rolf H. Weber, Multilayered Governance in International Financial Regulation and Supervision
- Charles A. E. Goodhart & Rosa M. Lastra, Border Problems
- Joel P. Trachtman, The International Law of Financial Crisis: Spillovers, Subsidiarity, Fragmentation and Cooperation
- Steve Charnovitz, Addressing Government Failure Through International Financial Law
- Hal S. Scott, Reducing Systemic Risk Through the Reform of Capital Regulation
- Christine Kaufmann & Rolf H. Weber, The Role of Transparency in Financial Regulation
- Donald C. Langevoort, Global Securities Regulation after the Financial Crisis
- Chapter V Trade, Competition and Tax Related Aspects
- Thomas Cottier & Markus Krajewski, What Role for Non-Discrimination and Prudential Standards in International Financial Law?
- Panagiotis Delimatsis & Pierre Sauvé, Financial Services Trade after the Crisis: Policy and Legal Conjectures
- Gary N. Horlick & Peggy A. Clarke, WTO Subsidies Discipline During and after the Crisis
- Philip Marsden & Ioannis Kokkoris, The Role of Competition and State Aid Policy in Financial and Monetary Law
- Kern Alexander, International Regulatory Reform and Financial Taxes
- Chapter VI Monetary Regulation
- Ernst Baltensperger & Thomas Cottier, The Role of International Law in Monetary Affairs
- Gary Hufbauer & Daniel Danxia Xie, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy: Need for International Surveillance
- Sean Hagan, Enhancing the IMF’s Regulatory Authority