The latest issue of the
Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 10, no. 4, December 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Thérèse Murphy & Gearóid Ó Cuinn, Works in Progress: New Technologies and the European Court of Human Rights
- Richard E. Ashcroft, Could Human Rights Supersede Bioethics?
- Mark L. Flear & Anastasia Vakulenko A Human Rights Perspective on Citizen Participation in the EU’s Governance of New Technologies
- Noel Whitty, Soldier Photography of Detainee Abuse in Iraq: Digital Technology, Human Rights and the Death of Baha Mousa
- Morten Bergsmo, Olympia Bekou, & Annika Jones, New Technologies in Criminal Justice for Core International Crimes: The ICC Legal Tools Project
- Shawn Pelsinger, Liberia’s Long Tail: How Web 2.0 is Changing and Challenging Truth Commissions
- Kerstin Mechlem, Agricultural Biotechnologies, Transgenic Crops and the Poor: Opportunities and Challenges
- Amrei Müller, Remarks on the Venice Statement on the Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and its Applications (Article 15(1)(b) ICESCR)