Stephan W. Schill (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law) has published
International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law (Oxford Univ. Press 2010). Contents include:
- Stephan W. Schill, International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law - An Introduction
- Giacinto della Cananea, Minimum Standards of Procedural Justice in Administrative Adjudication
- Benedict Kingsbury & Stephan W. Schill, Public Law Concepts to Balance Investors' Rights with State Regulatory Actions in the Public Interest - The Concept of Proportionality
- Markus Perkams, The Concept of Indirect Expropriation in Comparative Public Law - Searching for Light in the Dark
- Stephan W. Schill, Fair and Equitable Treatment, the Rule of Law, and Comparative Public Law
- Helge Elisabeth Zeitler, Full Protection and Security
- Ali Ehsassi, Cain & Abel: Congruence and Conflict in the Application of the Denial of Justice Principle
- Jürgen Kurtz, The Merits and Limits of Comparativism: National Treatment in International Investment Law and the WTO
- Freya Baetens, Discrimination on the Basis of Nationality: Determining Likeness in Human Rights and Investment Law
- Stephan W. Schill, Umbrella Clauses as Public Law Concepts in Comparative Perspective
- Abba Kolo, Transfer of Funds: The Interaction between the IMF Articles of Agreement and Modern Investment Treaties: A Comparative Law Perspective
- Irmgard Marboe, State Responsibility and Comparative State Liability for Administrative and Legislative Harm to Economic Interests
- Hector A. Mairal, Legitimate Expectations and Informal Administrative Representations
- Kim Talus, Revocation and Cancellation of Concessions, Operating Licenses and Other Beneficial Administrative Acts
- Catherine Donnelly, Public-Private Partnerships: Award, Performance and Remedies
- Christina Binder & August Reinisch, Economic Emergency Powers: A Comparative Law Perspective
- Federico Lenzerini, Property Protection and Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Christian Tietje & Karoline Kampermann, Taxation and Investment: Constitutional Law Limitations on Tax Legislation in Context
- Paul B. Stephan, Comparative Taxation Procedure and Tax Enforcement
- Gus Van Harten, Investment Treaty Arbitration, Procedural Fairness, and the Rule of Law
- Chester Brown, Procedure in Investment Treaty Arbitration and the Relevance of Comparative Public Law
- William Burke-White & Andreas von Staden, The Need for Public Law Standards of Review in Investor-State Arbitrations
- Anne van Aaken, Primary and Secondary Remedies in International Investment Law and National State Liability: A Functional and Comparative View
- Borzu Sabahi & Nicholas J. Birch, Comparative Compensation for Expropriation
- Alessandra Asteriti & Christian J. Tams, Transparency and Representation of the Public Interest in Investment Treaty Arbitration