The latest volume of the
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (Vol. 40, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- International Workshop: “The War in Iraq: A Legal Analysis” United States Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, 23 - 25 June 2009
- Raul “Pete” Pedrozo, Legal Bases for Military Operations in Iraq
- Andru E.Wall, Was the 2003 Invasion of Iraq Legal?
- David Turns, The International Humanitarian Law Classification of Armed Conflicts in Iraq Since 2003
- Brian Bill, Detention Operations in Iraq: A View from the Ground
- John Murphy, Iraq and the Fog of Law
- Charles J. Dunlap, Jr., Come the Revolution: A Legal Perspective on Air Operations in Iraq
- Richard Pregent, Building Rule of Law Capacity in Iraq
- Laurent Colassis, The Role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Stability Operations in Iraq
- Yoram Dinstein, Concluding Remarks: The Influence of the Conflict in Iraq on International Law
- Extra-Territorial Activities
- Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Repressing Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea – Towards a New International Legal Regime
- Michel Bourbonniere, The Clausewitz Nebulae: The Legitimacy of Military Activities in Outer Space During Armed Conflicts
- Miscellaneous Issues
- Robert P. Barnidge, Jr., Islam and International Humanitarian Law: A Question of Compatibility?
- Nicholas Rostow, The Human Rights Council (Goldstone) Report and International Law