The latest issue of the
New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law (Vol. 8, no. 1, June 2010) is out. Contents include:
- 17th Annual Australia and New Zealand Society of International Law Conference: The Future of Multilateralism in a Plural World
- Joanna Mossop, Foreword
- Anand Satyanand, Opening Address by the Governor-General of New Zealand
- Colin Keating, Prospects for the Multilateral Security System
- Roger S. Clark, The International Criminal Law System
- Christopher C. Joyner, Reconciliation as Conflict Resolution
- Christopher Michaelsen, The Security Council's Practice of Blacklisting Alleged Terrorists and Associates: Rule of Law Concerns and Prospects for Reform
- Jacqueline Mowbray, Language in the UN and EU: Linguistic Diversity as a Challenge for Multilateralism
- Catherine Renshaw, Andrew Byrnes & Andrea Durbach, Human Rights Protection in the Pacific: The Emerging Role of National Human Rights Institutions in the Region