The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 10, no. 5, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Lars C. Berster, 'Duty to Act' and 'Commission by Omission' in International Criminal Law
- Alison Bisset, Truth Commissions: A Barrier to the Provision of Judicial Assistance?
- Jocelyn Courtney, Enforced Disappearances in Colombia: A Plea for Synergy between the Courts
- Caroline Fournet & Clotilde Pégorier, 'Only One Step Away From Genocide': The Crime of Persecution in International Criminal Law
- Regina E. Rauxloh, Negotiated History: The Historical Record in International Criminal Law and Plea Bargaining
- Christopher W. Mullins & Dawn L. Rothe, The Ability of the International Criminal Court to Deter Violations of International Criminal Law: A Theoretical Assessment
- Mohammed Ayat, Quelques apports des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux, ad hoc et notamment le TPIR, à la lutte contre les violences sexuelles subies par les femmes durant les génocides et les conflits armés
- Robert J. Currie & Ion Stancu, R. v. Munyaneza: Pondering Canada's First Core Crimes Conviction
- Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi, Is There a Need for the ICTY to Clarify the Difference(s) between Life Imprisonment and Imprisonment for the Remainder of the Offender's Life? The Galić and Lukić Decisions