The latest issue of
Global Trade and Customs Journal (Vol. 5, no. 9, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Luis A. Abad, Forging a Translation: The “Circumstances of Sale” Criterion, Transfer Pricing, and Economics
- Peggy E. Chaudhry & Stephen A. Stumpf, Consumer Complicity with Counterfeits: Fight or Flight—Addressing the Intellectual Property Issues in International Trade
- Bernd Janzen, Picking Winners and Losers in the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences: Improving the Product Competitiveness Test
- Wenhua Ji & Cui Huang, China’s Path to the Center Stage of WTO Dispute Settlement: Challenges and Responses
- Tetsuji Tsujikawa, Restrictions Relating to Investment in Entities Holding Infrastructure in Japan
- Panayota Anaboli, Customs Violations and Penalties in Europe: Harmonization on the Horizon?
- Laura L. Fraedrich, Regulation Defies Congressional Mandate: Antidumping and Nonmarket Economies