Marie-Laure Djelic (ESSEC Business School) &
Sigrid Quack (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies) have published
Transnational Communities: Shaping Global Economic Governance (Cambridge Univ. Press 2010). Contents include:
- Marie-Laure Djelic & Sigrid Quack, Transnational communities and governance
- Renate Mayntz, Global structures: markets, organizations, networks – and communities?
- Heidi Dahles, The multiple layers of a transnational 'imagined community': the notion and reality of the ethnic Chinese business community
- Mine Eder & Özlem Öz, From cross-border exchange networks to transnational trading practices? The case of shuttle traders in Laleli, Istanbul
- Charles Harvey & Mairi Maclean, Transnational boards and governance regimes: a Franco-British comparison
- Glenn Morgan & Izumi Kubo, Private equity in Japan: global financial markets and transnational communities
- Asma A. Hussain & Marc J. Ventresca, Formal organizing and transnational communities: evidence from global finance governance associations, 1879–2006
- Carlos Ramirez, Promoting transnational professionalism: forays of the 'Big Firm' accounting community into France
- Anca Metiu, Gift-giving, transnational communities, and skill building in developing countries: the case of free/open source software
- Leonhard Dobusch & Sigrid Quack, Epistemic communities and social movements: transnational dynamics in the case of Creative Commons
- Mark Lawrence Schrad, The transnational temperance community
- Thomas Fetzer, Industrial democracy in the European Community: trade unions as a defensive transnational community, 1968–88
- Dieter Plehwe, The making of a comprehensive transnational discourse community
- Åge Mariussen, Global warming, transnational communities and economic entrepreneurship: the case of carbon capture and storage (CCS)
- Tim Bartley & Shawna N. Smith, Communities of practice as cause and consequence of transnational governance: the evolution of social and environmental certification
- Marie-Laure Djelic & Sigrid Quack, Transnational communities and their impact on the governance of business and economic activity