The latest issue of the
Journal of Private International Law (Vol. 6, no. 1, April 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Hendrik L.E. Verhagen & Sanne van Dongen, Cross-Border Assignments under Rome I
- María Mercedes Albornoz, Choice of Law in International Contracts in Latin American Legal Systems
- Giesela Rühl, The Problem of International Transactions: Conflict of Laws Revisited
- Csongor István Nagy, The Rome II Regulation and Traffic Accidents: Uniform Conflict Rules with Some Room for Forum Shopping - How So?
- Jie Huang, Interregional Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments: Lessons for China from US and EU Laws
- Toni Marzal Yetano, The Constitutionalisation of Party Autonomy in European Family Law
- David Alexander Hughes, The Insolubility of Renvoi and its Consequences
- Zheng Sophia Tang, Private International Law in Consumer Contracts: A European Perspective