- Gjermund Mathisen, Nordic Cooperation and the European Arrest Warrant: Intra-Nordic Extradition, the Nordic Arrest Warrant and Beyond
- David M. Ong, From 'International' to 'Transnational' Environmental Law? A Legal Assessment of the Contribution of the 'Equator Principles' to International Environmental Law
- Efthymios Papstavridis, 'Fortress Europe' and FRONTEX: Within or Without International Law?
- Fredrik Stenhammar, United Nations Targeted Sanctions, the International Rule of Law and the European Court of Justice's Judgment in Kadi and al-Barakaat
- Inger Österdahl, The Use of Force: Sweden, the Jus ad Bellum and the European Security and Defence Policy
- Peter Pagh, The Enforcement of EC Environmental Law
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
New Issue: Nordic Journal of International Law
The latest issue of the Nordic Journal of International Law (Vol. 79, no. 1, 2010) is out. Contents include: