Andrew Halpin (Swansea Univ. - Law) &
Volker Roeben (Swansea Univ. - Law) have published
Theorising the Global Legal Order (Hart Publishing 2009). Contents include:
- Andrew Halpin & Volker Roeben, Introduction
- H Patrick Glenn, Cosmopolitan Legal Orders
- William Twining, Implications of 'Globalisation' for Law as a Discipline
- Stefan Oeter, Theorising the Global Legal Order - An Institutionalist Perspective
- Ko Hasegawa, Incorporating Foreign Legal Ideas through Translation
- Catherine Dupré, Globalisation and Judicial Reasoning: Building Blocks for a Method of Interpretation
- Ari Afilalo & Dennis Patterson, Statecraft, Trade and Strategy: Toward a New Global Order
- Oxana Golynker, European Union as a Single Working-Living Space: EU Law and New Forms of Intra-Community Migration
- Déirdre Dwyer, The Domestic Enforcement of Supranational Rules: The Role of Evidence in EC Competition Law
- Stephen Allen, The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Towards a Global Legal Order on Indigenous Rights?
- John Gillespie, Developing a Framework for Understanding the Localisation of Global Scripts in East Asia
- Nicholas Dorn, Governance Through Corruption: Cosmopolitan Complicity
- Christian Walter, Decentralised Constitutionalisation in National and International Courts: Reflections on Comparative Law as an Approach to Public Law
- Andrew Halpin & Volker Roeben, Concluding Reflections