The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 9, no. 4, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Mohamed Elewa Badar, Islamic Criminal Justice in the 21st Century
- Farhad Malekian, The Homogeneity of International Criminal Court with Islamic Jurisprudence
- Ray Murphy & Mohamed M. El Zeidy, Prisoners of War: A Comparative Study of the Principles of International Humanitarian Law and the Islamic Law of War
- Ilias Bantekas, The Disunity of Islamic Criminal Law and the Modern Role of Ijtihād
- Ahmed Hamdy Tawfik, The Concept of Crime in the Afghan Criminal Justice System: The Paradox between Secular, Tradition and Islamic Law: A Viewpoint of an International Practitioner
- Silvia Tellenbach, Aspects of the Iranian Code of Islamic Punishment: The Principle of Legality and the Temporal, Spatial and Personal Applicability of the Law
- Abdullah Saad Alarefi, Overview of Islamic Law