Monday, October 19, 2009

Call for Papers: Melbourne Journal of International Law

The Melbourne Journal of International Law has issued a call for papers for the first issue of its eleventh volume, due to be published in June 2010. The submission deadline is January 29, 2010. Here's the call:

The Editors of the Melbourne Journal of International Law (‘MJIL’) invite submissions on areas of interest in international law for the first issue of their 11th volume, to be published in June 2010.

MJIL, Australia’s premier generalist international law journal, is a peer-reviewed academic journal run through the Melbourne Law School at the University of Melbourne. MJIL’s objective is to facilitate scholarly research and critical discussion of private and public international law issues.


MJIL is a bi-annual publication, published in June and October each year.

MJIL publishes articles, commentaries, case notes and book reviews. Articles should be in the vicinity of 10 000 to 20 000 words in length and be an original and detailed contribution to international law scholarship. Commentaries explore recent developments in a specific field of international law and their practical applications, and should be between 5000 and 8000 words in length.

Submission Process

All articles, case notes, commentaries and review essays published in MJIL are subjected to a double-blind refereeing process, involving at least two specialists in the field. Once accepted for publication, submissions will then be edited for compliance with the Melbourne Manual for International Law Citation and the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Authors have an opportunity to review the final version of the piece prior to publication. Our publication policy can be accessed at

All submissions should be sent to in Word format, together with a signed publication policy.

The submission deadline for 11(1) is 29 January 2010.