The latest issue of the
Melbourne Journal of International Law (Vol. 10, no. 1, May 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Feature: Reflections on a Decade of International Law
- Fleur Johns, International Legal Theory: Snapshots from a Decade of International Legal Life
- Dianne Otto, The Exile of Inclusion: Reflections on Gender Issues in International Law over the Last Decade
- Alexandra Xanthaki, Indigenous Rights in International Law over the Last 10 Years and Future Developments
- Mark Drumbl, International Criminal Law: Taking Stock of a Busy Decade
- Martin Davies, Reflections on the Past Decade of Transnational Litigation
- Bryan Mercurio, Reflections on the World Trade Organization and the Prospects for Its Future
- Brendan Sweeney, International Competition Law and Policy: A Work in Progress
- Jolene Lin & Charlotte Streck, Mobilising Finance for Climate Change Mitigation: Private Sector Involvement in International Carbon Finance Mechanisms
- Cameron Sim, Non-Justiciability in Australian Private International Law: A Lack of 'Judicial Restraint'?
- Lisa Spagnolo, The Last Outpost: Automatic CISG Opt Outs, Misapplications and the Costs of Ignoring the Vienna Sales Convention for Australian Lawyers
- Tim Wright, Negotiations for a Nuclear Weapons Convention: Distant Dream or Present Possibility?