The Journal of International Law and International Relations (JILIR) invites submissions from scholars of both International Law and International Relations for its Fall 2009 issue. The JILIR is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that seeks to develop interdisciplinary discourse at the nexus of two dynamic and relevant disciplines.
The JILIR recently celebrated its fifth anniversary with an issue guest-edited by Antje Wiener, and with a thematic issue focused on secession. The Journal is now returning to its general mandate, and is welcoming submissions on the wide variety of topics located in the intellectual space jointly occupied by International Law and International Relations.
A joint venture of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and the Munk Centre for International Studies, the Journal’s advisory board is comprised of scholars from both International Law and International Relations, including Kenneth Abbott, Jose Alvarez, Upendra Baxi, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Jutta Brunnée, Michael Byers, Martha Finnemore, Robert Keohane, Benedict Kingsbury, Karen Knop, Martti Koskenniemi, Stephen Krasner, Friedrich Kratochwil, Oona Hathaway, Réné Provost, Philippe Sands, Shirley Scott, Gerry Simpson, Janice Gross Stein, Stephen Toope, and Rob Walker.
Please send submissions via e-mail to submissions@jilir.org as attachments in Microsoft Word or Rich Text format. Please include the author’s full contact information (name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number(s), and e-mail address) in the body of the e-mail.
The deadline for submissions is September 21, 2009.