The latest issue of the
Brooklyn Journal of International Law (Vol. 34, no. 3, 2009) contains a symposium on "Ruling the World: Generating International Legal Norms." Contents include:
- Steven A. Dean & Claire R. Kelly, Introduction: Ruling the World
- Roderick A. Macdonald, Three Metaphors of Norm Migration in International Context
- Henry Deeb Gabriel, The Advantages of Soft Law in International Commercial Law: The Role of UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, and the Hague Conference
- Amelia H. Boss, The Evolution of Commercial Law Norms: Lessons to be Learned from Electronic Commerce
- Boris Kozolchyk, Modernization of Commercial Law: International Uniformity and Economic Development
- Hugh J. Ault, Reflections on the Role of the OECD in Developing International Tax Norms
- Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, The OECD Harmful Tax Competition Report: A Retrospective After a Decade
- Lisa Philipps & Miranda Stewart, Fiscal Transparency: Global Norms, Domestic Laws, and the Politics of Budgets
- Kern Alexander, Global Financial Standard Setting, the G10 Committees, and International Economic Law
- Roberta S. Karmel & Claire R. Kelly, The Hardening of Soft Law in Securities Regulation
- Elizabeth F. Brown, The Development of International Norms for Insurance Regulation