Antoni Estevadeordal (Inter-American Development Bank),
Kati Suominen (Inter-American Development Bank), &
Robert Teh (World Trade Organization) have published
Regional Rules in the Global Trading System (Cambridge Univ. Press 2009). Contents include:
- Antoni Estevadeordal, Kati Suominen, & Robert Teh, Introduction
- Richard Baldwin, Big-think regionalism: a critical survey
- Antoni Estevadeordal, Matthew Shearer, & Kati Suominen, Market access provisions in regional trade agreements
- Robert Teh, Thomas J. Prusa, & Michele Budetta, Trade remedy provisions in regional trade agreements
- Roberta Piermartini & Michele Budetta, A mapping of regional rules on technical barriers to trade
- Martin Roy, Juan Marchetti, & Hoe Lim, Services liberalization in the new generation of preferential trade agreements (PTAs): how much further than the GATS?
- Barbara Kotschwar, Mapping investment provisions in regional trade agreements: towards an international investment regime?
- Robert Teh, Competition provisions in regional trade agreements