The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 31, no. 2, May 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Scott Jerbi, Business and Human Rights at the UN: What Might Happen Next?
- Paige Arthur, How “Transitions” Reshaped Human Rights: A Conceptual History of Transitional Justice
- Lanse Minkler, Economic Rights and Political Decision Making
- James Dawes, Human Rights in Literary Studies
- Jacqueline Bhabha, Arendt’s Children: Do Today’s Migrant Children Have a Right to Have Rights?
- Rebecca K. Root, Through the Window of Opportunity: The Transitional Justice Network in Peru
- Homer Venters, Dana Dasch-Goldberg, Andrew Rasmussen, & Allen S. Keller, Into the Abyss: Mortality and Morbidity Among Detained Immigrants
- Marlies Glasius, What is Global Justice and Who Decides?: Civil Society and Victim Responses to the International Criminal Court’s First Investigations