The latest issue of
Arbitration International (Vol. 25, no. 2, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Richard W. Hulbert, When the Theory Doesn’t Fit the Facts—A Further Comment on Putrabali
- Reza Mohtashami & Sami Tannous, Arbitration at the Dubai International Financial Centre: A Common Law Jurisdiction in the Middle East
- Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, When Arbitrators Facilitate Settlement: Towards a Transnational Standard
- Simon Crookenden, Correction of the Name of a Party to an Arbitration
- Klaus Peter Berger, The International Arbitrator's Dilemma - Transnational Procedure Versus Home Jurisdiction: A German Perspective
- Abdulrahman Baamir & Ilias Bantekas, Saudi Law as Lex Arbitri: Evaluation of Saudi Arbitration Law and Judicial Practice
- Matthew D. Slater, On Annulled Arbitral Awards and the Death of Chromalloy