2010 Annual Meeting: International Law in a Time of Change
Program Proposals
Annual Meeting Theme
Today’s substantive issues – from armed conflict to climate change to the financial crisis to terrorism – have generated much new thinking about international legal rules and structures; at the same time, efforts to create new law implicate the interests of, and require the cooperation of, new and existing actors and institutions at many levels of governance. Our traditional models of international law are seeking to adapt to changing norms, approaches to governance, and governmental and nongovernmental actors – a process that some welcome but others view as posing problematic challenges to the existing international legal order. The 2010 American Society of International Law Annual Meeting will grapple with these issues. Meeting sessions will present a broad range of perspectives on the remaking of international law through new modes of lawmaking, new methods of global governance, new actors engaging international and transnational problems, and new substantive rules to address evolving and complex problems in this time of change.
Read the complete theme statement.
Panel Submission Guidelines and Process
The Annual Meeting program committee welcomes suggestions from ASIL members for Annual Meeting sessions and other content. To submit such suggestions, please send contact information, a 500-700 word description of the topic, the suggested format (ie., panel, lecture, roundtable, debate, etc.) and possible participants. Proposals should be submitted by Friday, June 19, 2009 to ensure maximum consideration.
We particularly welcome suggestions for alternative formats to traditional panels, including round table discussions, lectures, debates, moots, interviews, book reviews, and other innovative formats. We take very seriously ASIL's commitment to ensuring that the programs and their participants reflect the breadth of the Society's membership in viewpoint, national origin, gender, professional focus, and experience. An effort is made to reflect emerging approaches and methodologies as well as established views.
The ASIL Annual Meeting program committee works differently than many other conference planning committees. It assembles the program in consultation with those who have suggested selected session ideas, but the committee often amends those proposals or combines them with others to develop the final agenda. ASIL also has a policy that persons are ineligible to be on the program if they were on the program at the previous Annual Meeting.