The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 6, no. 5, November 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial Comments
- Andrew T. Cayley, The Prosecutor's Strategy in Seeking the Arrest of Sudanese President Al Bashir on Charges of Genocide
- Christopher Gosnell, The Request for an Arrest Warrant in Al Bashir: Idealistic Posturing or Calculated Plan?
- Florian Jessberger & Julia Geneuss, On the Application of a Theory of Indirect Perpetration in Al Bashir: German Doctrine at The Hague?
- Goran Sluiter, Obtaining Cooperation from Sudan - Where is the Law?
- Annalisa Ciampi, The Proceedings against President Al Bashir and the Prospects of their Suspension under Article 16 ICC Statute
- Workshop
- Andrew Clapham, Extending International Criminal Law beyond the Individual to Corporations and Armed Opposition Groups
- Thomas Weigend, Societas delinquere non potest ?: A German Perspective
- Discussion
- Notes and Comments
- Peter Robinson & Golriz Ghahraman, Can Rwandan President Kagame be held Responsible at the ICTR for the Killing of President Habyarimana?
- Vanessa Thalmann, French Justice's Endeavours to Substitute for the ICTR
- Commentator, The Spanish Indictment of High-ranking Rwandan Officials
- Neha Jain, Forced Marriage as a Crime against Humanity: Problems of Definition and Prosecution
- Micaela Frulli, Advancing International Criminal Law: The Special Court for Sierra Leone Recognizes Forced Marriage as a 'New' Crime against Humanity
- Giulia Pinzauti, The European Court of Human Rights' Incidental Application of International Criminal Law and Humanitarian Law: A Critical Discussion of Kononov v. Latvia
- Gabriel ChavezTafur, Using International Law to By-pass Domestic Legal Hurdles: On the Applicability of the Statute of Limitations in the Menendez et al. Case
- Antonio Cassese, The Italian Court of Cassation Misapprehends the Notion of War Crimes: The Lozano Case