The latest volume of the
Australian International Law Journal (Vol. 14, 2007) is out. Contents include:
- International Law Association (Australian Branch) General Meeting
- Christopher Ward, President’s Report
- Donald Rothwell, Guest Address
- Australian Government Practice
- Robert McClelland, Public Lecture by Shadow Foreign Minister at the Sydney Centre for International Law (2007)
- Stephen Smith, Public Address by the Australian Foreign Minister at the Annual Diplomatic Corps Christmas Party (2007)
- Symposium
- Shirley Scott, Is the Crisis of Climate Change a Crisis for International Law?
- Will McGoldrick, Financing Adaptation in Pacific Island Countries: Prospects for the Post-2012 Climate Change Regime
- Ilona Millar, There's No Place Like Home: Human Displacement and Climate Change
- Robin Verner, Preserving a Balanced Ocean: Regulating Climate Change Mitigation Activities in Marine Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
- General Articles
- Anna Huggins, International Obligations to Protect World Heritage Sites from the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change
- Yvette Carr, International Legal Issues Relating to the Facilitation of Sub-Seabed CO2 Sequestration Projects in Australia
- John Von Doussa, Allison Corkery & Renée Chartres, Human Rights and Climate Change
- International Law Association (Australian Branch) Essay Prize
- Belinda Roblliard, Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Rules for Defamation Actions in Australia following the Gutnik Case and the Uniform Defamation Legislation
- Sonja Cenic, State Responsibility and Self-Defence in International Law Post 9/11