The latest issue of the
Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (Vol. 17, no. 2, August 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Articles on Climate Change
- Chris Spence, Kati Kulovesi, María Gutiérrez, & Miquel Muñoz, Great Expectations: Understanding Bali and the Climate Change Negotiations Process
- Joanna Depledge, Crafting the Copenhagen Consensus: Some Reflections
- Ian Fry, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Developing a New Legal Regime
- M.J. Mace, The Bali Road Map: Can it Deliver an Equitable Post-2012 Climate Agreement for Small Island States?
- Malte Petersen, The Legality of the EU's Stand-Alone Approach to the Climate Impact of Aviation: The Express Role Given to the ICAO by the Kyoto Protocol
- General Articles
- Gerd Winter, Nature Protection and the Introduction into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms: Risk Analysis in EC Multilevel Governance
- Alexander Gillespie, Environmental Impact Assessments in International Law
- Guihuan Liu, Jun Wan, Huiyuan Zhang, & Lijie Cai, Eco-Compensation Policies and Mechanisms in China