The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 42, no. 5, October 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Alexander Keck & Simon Schropp, Indisputably Essential: The Economics of Dispute Settlement Institutions in Trade Agreements
- Jean-Jacques Hallaert, Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements: Quantifying its Welfare Impact and Preference Erosion
- Daniels Persin, Free Movement of Labour: UK Responses to the Eastern Enlargement and GATS Mode 4
- Robert Stelzer, GATT Doctrine and the Limits of the WTO: An Investigation into Germany's Stem Cell Act
- Rup Singh & Biman Prasad, Small States, Big Problems: Small Solutions from Big Countries
- Sachin Chaturvedi & S.K. Mohanty, The WTO and Trade in Electronically Delivered Software: Emerging Challenges and Policy Options—An Indian Perspective
- Prabhash Ranjan, Industrial Tariff Reduction: Why the Best Might Still Turn Out to Be the Worst?