- MP Ferreira-Snyman & GM Ferreira, Global good governance and good global governance
- André Mbata B Mangu, The African peer-review mechanism and the promotion of democracy and good political governance in Africa
- KG Balakrishnan, Good governance in international law: An Indian perspective
- Michele E Olivier, International and regional requirements for good governance and the rule of law
- John King Gamble & Lauren Piera, Good governance, non-state actors and international law: A cautionary note
- Diego Quiroz, Expanding international law to non-state actors (The corporation)
- André Thomashausen, The 'war on terror' in Africa in international law and state practice
- Charlotte Ku, Strengthening international law's capacity to govern through multilayered strategic partnerships
- Hennie Strydom, Will the Cotonou agreement succeed where Lomé I—IV have failed?
- Natalie Klein, Non-state actors in inter-state litigation: Beneficiaries or blameworthy?
- Evadne Grant, Accountability for human rights abuses: Taking the universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness of human rights seriously
- Rebecca MM Wallace, Non-state actors in the context of refugee determination processes, with particular reference to the position of women
- Greg Marks, Governance and indigenous minorities in Australia
- Coenraad Visser, International intellectual property norm setting: Democratising the World Intellectual Property Organization?
- Environmental criteria as condition for space activities of non-state entities? Mahulena Hofmann
- Werner Scholtz, Northern NGOs, southern NGOs and international environmental law: The common interest of humankind is the interest of northern mankind!
- 'Dejo Olowu, Environmental governance and the accountability of non-state actors in Africa: A rights-based approach
- Duncan French, Managing global change for sustainable development: Technology, community and multilateral environmental agreements
- Rainer Hofmann, Reparation for victims of war and non-state actors?
- MG Cowling, Outsourcing and the military: Implications for international humanitarian law
- Natalia Szablewska, Non-state actors and human rights in non-international armed conflicts
- Susana Camargo Vieira, Brazil-South Africa: South-south cooperation for sustainable development
- Tana Pistorius, The impact of intellectual property law and policy on sustainable development
- Dire Tladi, Corporates and the flexible mechanisms in the climate change regime: The privatisation of sustainable development?
- Irene-marié Esser, A global perspective on african corporate governance: The protection of stakeholders' interests
- Annelize Nienaber, The accountability of states for human rights abuses by non-state actors during preventive HIV vaccine efficacy trials in Africa
- Math Noortmann, Women and the United Nations: Who makes who matter?
- Christina Knahr, The role of non-state actors in international investment arbitration
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Volume: South African Yearbook of International Law
The latest volume of the South African Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 32, 2007) is out. Contents include: