- What Does Medellín Stand For?
- Sarah Cleveland (Columbia Univ. - Law), Self-Execution by Subject Matter after Medellín v. Texas
- Martin Flaherty (Fordham Univ. - Law), Surrendering the Rule of Law in Foreign Relations
- Edward Swaine (George Washington Univ. - Law), Non-Self-Execution and the Non-Separation of Powers
- Ingrid Wuerth (Vanderbilt Univ. - Law), The New, New Formalism?
- Discussant: Paul Stephan (Univ. of Virginia - Law)
- Considerations Relevant to the Self-Execution Analysis
- Anthony Bellia (Univ. of Notre Dame - Law) & Bradford Clark (George Washington Univ. - Law), Asking the Wrong Question: Treaties and the Self-Execution Debate
- Duncan Hollis (Temple Univ. - Law), A Functional Theory of Self-Execution
- Ralf Michaels (Duke Univ. - Law), Self-Execution as a Conflict of Laws Problem
- Carloz Vázquez (Georgetown Univ. - Law), Declarations Regarding Self-Execution
- Discussant: John Harrison (Univ. of Virginia - Law)
- Treaties as Domestic Law
- Curtis Bradley (Duke Univ. - Law), Treaties and Statutes are Different
- Oona Hathaway (Univ. of California, Berkeley - Law), The Self-Execution Doctrine in Comparative Perspective
- Ernest Young (Duke Univ. - Law), Treaties as “Part of Our Law”
- Discussant: Edward Swaine (George Washington Univ. - Law)
- Domestic Status of Non-Self-Executing Treaties
- John Harrison (Univ. of Virginia - Law), Two Fallacies Concerning the Domestic Effect of Treaties
- Nicholas Rosenkranz (Georgetown Univ. - Law), Non-Self-Execution and the Supreme Law of the Land
- Neil Siegel (Duke Univ. - Law), Non-Self-Executing Treaties as Domestic Law: Juricentrism versus Policentrism
- Discussant: Carlos Vázquez (Georgetown Univ. - Law)
- Treaties, Youngstown, and Executive Power
- Jack Goldsmith (Harvard Univ. - Law), Taking Care to Faithfully Execute Non-Self-Executing Treaties
- Andrew Kent (Fordham Univ. - Law), Effects of Medellín’s Use of Youngstown on Congress’s Power to Implement Treaties
- Paul Stephan (Univ. of Virginia - Law), Open Doors
- Discussant: Ingrid Wuerth (Vanderbilt Univ. - Law)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Conference: Treaty Self-Execution
The Duke-Harvard Foreign Relations Law Workshop will take place tomorrow at the Duke University School of Law. The topic is "Treaty Self-Execution." Here's the program: