The latest volume of the
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (Vol. 37, 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Yoram Dinstein, The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
- Stewart Kaye, Threats From the Global Commons: Problems of Jurisdiction and Enforcement
- Michael N. Schmitt, The United States Supreme Court and Detainees In the War on Terror
- Robert P. Barnidge, Jr., Should National Security Trump Human Rights in the Fight Against Terrorism?
- Gloria Gaggioli & Robert Kolb, A Right to Life in Armed Conflicts? The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights
- Alberto M. Aronovitz, May Private Claims be Advanced Through the European Court of Human Rights?
- Nicholas Rostow, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon: Three Occupations under International Law
- Michael H. Hoffman, Can Military Manuals Improve the Law of War?
- Jean-Marie Henckaerts, The ICRC Customary International Humanitarian Law Study - A Rejoinder to Professor Dinstein
- Fania Domb, Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel Relating to the Administered Territories