The latest volume of the
Finnish Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 16, 2005) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium: The National Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Foreword
- Mattias Goldmann, Implementing the Rome Statute in Europe: From Sovereign Distinction to Convergence in International Criminal Law
- Implementation of the Rome Statute in Albania
- Magdalena Forowicz, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Belgium
- Rain Liivoja, René Värk, & Merri Kastemäe, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Estonia
- Jussi Ohisalo, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Finland
- Martin Hess, Nandor Knust, & Christine Schuon, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Germany
- Paola Sacchi & Silvia Borelli, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Italy
- Sergey Vasiliev & Anna Ogodorova, Implementation of the Rome Statute in Russia
- Simon P. Olleson & Matthew R. Brubacher, Implementation of the Rome Statute in the United Kingdom
- Tobias Bräutigam, Comparative Law and the U.S. Supreme Court: Roper v. Simmons and the Quest for Theory
- Linda Johanna Friman, War and Peace in Outer Space: A Review of the Legality of the Weaponization of Outer Space in the Light of the Prohibition on Non-Peaceful Purposes
- Jan Klabbers, Reflections on Soft International Law in a Privatized World
- James O’Connor, U.S. Neoconservatism and the Rule of Radical Occasionalism - Carl Schmitt’s War on Terror?
- Aurel Sari, The Danish Cartoon Row: Re-Drawing the Limits of the Right to Freedom of Expression?