Jutta Joachim (Univ. of Hannover - Institute of Political Science),
Bob Reinalda (Radboud University Nijmegen - International Relations), &
Bertjan Verbeek (Radboud University Nijmegen - International Relations) have published
International Organizations and Implementation: Enforcers, Managers, Authorities? (Routledge 2008). Contents include:
- Part 1: Introduction
- International Organizations and Implementation
- Part 2: The Institutional Resources of International Organizations
- Miriam Hartlapp, Two Variations on a Theme?
- Thomas Conzelmann, Beyond the Carrot and the Stick
- J.C. Sharman, International Organizations and the Implementation of New Financial Regulations by Blacklisting
- Steffen Bauer, Bureaucratic Authority and the Implementation of International Treaties
- George Christou & Seamus Simpson, International Policy Implementation through Gate Keeping
- Kerstin Martens & Carolin Balzer, All Bark and No Bite?
- Part 3: Domestic-Level Factors, International Organizations and Implementation
- Anna van der Vleuten, Pincers and Self-Interest
- Esther Versluis, ‘The Achilles’ Heel of European Regulation’
- Dora Piroska, The Implementation of the Basel Capital Accord in Hungary and Slovenia
- Pat Gray, International Financial Institutions and Russia’s Civil Service Reform
- David J. Galbreath, International Organizations, Party Politics and the Promotion of Minority Rights in the Baltic States
- Part 4: Conclusion
- Enforcers, Managers, Authorities?