The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Law (Vol. 18, no. 4, September 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Symposium: Genocide, Human Rights and the ICJ
- Stephan Wittich, Permissible Derogation from Mandatory Rules? The Problem of Party Status in the Genocide Case
- Claus Kreß, The International Court of Justice and the Elements of the Crime of Genocide
- Paola Gaeta, On What Conditions Can a State Be Held Responsible for Genocide?
- Antonio Cassese, The Nicaragua and Tadić Tests Revisited in Light of the ICJ Judgment on Genocide in Bosnia
- Marko Milanovic, State Responsibility for Genocide: A Follow-Up
- Andrea Gattini, Breach of the Obligation to Prevent and Reparation Thereof in the ICJ's Genocide Judgment
- Lorand Bartels, The Trade and Development Policy of the European Union
- Yannick Radi, The Application of the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause to the Dispute Settlement Provisions of Bilateral Investment Treaties: Domesticating the ‘Trojan Horse’