Saturday, October 20, 2007

Conference: The ICC and the State

The Human Rights Law Centre and the Methods and Data Institute at the University of Nottingham will host a conference on The International Criminal Court and the State, November 9, 2007, in Nottingham. The draft program is here. Why attend?

As one of the four partners to the International Criminal Court Legal Tools Project, the Human Rights Law Centre is developing a database of national implementing legislation. The conference will set in context our work with the Court, focusing on issues of implementation and the impact of new technologies in the Legal Tools Project on international criminal justice.

A number of panel sessions will address the following issues:

Session 1: The ICC in Practice: Challenges and Prospects

Session 2: Justice on the ground: The ICC, the State and the use of new technologies

Session 3: Future Focus: The ICC Legal Tools Project

Acknowledgement: Kevin Jon Heller at Opinio Juris.