The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 41, no. 5, October 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Gary Horlick & Fernando Piérola, WTO Dispute Settlement and Dispute Settlement in the "North-South" Agreements of the Americas: Considerations for Choice of Forum
- Rolf J. Langhammer, Service Trade Liberalization as a Handmaiden of Competitiveness in Manufacturing: An Industrialized or Developing Country Issue?
- Ricardo Guilherme & Raymond Saner, The International Monetary Fund’s Influence on Trade Policies of Low-income Countries: A Valid Undertaking?
- Shawkat Alam, Trade Restrictions Pursuant to Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Developmental Implications for Developing Countries
- Yanning Yu, Circumvention and Anti-circumvention in Anti-dumping Practice: A New Problem in China’s Outbound Trade
- Won-Mog Choi, To Comply or Not to Comply? - Non-implementation Problems in the WTO Dispute Settlement System
- Sangeeta Khorana, Do Trade Preferences Enhance Market Access for Developing Countries’ Agricultural Products? Evidence from Switzerland
- Yong-Shik Lee, The Beginning of Economic Integration Between East Asia and North America? – Forming the Third Largest Free Trade Area Between the United States and the Republic of Korea