Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Conference: New Developments in State Immunity

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Queen Mary, University of London, and Eversheds will host a conference on New Developments in State Immunity in London, October 10, 2007. The program is available here. Speakers include: Judge Tullio Treves; Sir Michael Wood; Gerhard Haffner; Brigitte Stern; Stewart Shackleton; Philippa Casey; Alejandro Escobar; Maurice Mendelson; Eileen Denza; Dan Sarooshi; Khawar Qureshi; Romesh Weermantry; Charles N. Brower; Bill Bowring; Craig Barker; and Malcolm Shaw. Session topics include: Bringing Suit Against States and State Officials; State Enterprises; International Entities; Enforcement of Judgements and Awards; and Human Rights.